Thursday, November 21, 2013

Getting blog videos indexed, with

You can plunk videos into blog pole using an icon on the post-editor toolbar - they are solitary type of organizer to facilitate you don't need to host elsewhere.

If you look after this, Google will (eventually) file the contents of your blog pole, based on the text in the pole, and the file-names of the file(s)you've used.

But the spiders behind search haven't quite got the hang of speech and image recognition yet: As with images, you need to explicity tell them around your content.

Webmaster Central own announced a modern way of responsibility this called schema-markup.Org.  This asks fill with who provide videos to fair them in their websites using code like this:

    <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.Org/VideoObject">  <h2>Video: <span itemprop="name">Title</span></h2>  <meta itemprop="duration" content="T1M33S" />  <meta itemprop="thumbnailURL" content="thumbnail.Jpg" />  <meta itemprop="embedURL"    content="http://www.Illustration.Com/videoplayer.Swf?Video=123" />  <object ...>    <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ...>  </object>  <span itemprop="description">Video description</span></div>


    The code originally certain in Google's pole was missing the / next to the start of the dying </div> statement. I suspect they'll set-up it soon - but it's why you may well comprehend a message like

    "your HTML cannot be traditional: Tag is not blocked: DIV"

    Fix it by simply changing the support <div> to </div>.

Unfortunately the suggested won't handiwork representing Blogger users, since the Post-editor doesn't give permission us consume meta-tags.    You can plunk the code into your pole if you would like, but they will be stripped improbable what time the pole is available or viewed in Compose mode.

But at hand are a quantity of options you can consume to tell search engines around your capture conent:

1) Edit your guide, add a conditional statement to facilitate is single useful to the pole to facilitate contains the capture, and plunk the schema.Org code (without the H2 and Object statement, of course) into the <head> section.   Something like this:

    <b:If cond='data:Blog.Url == "http://url of your post"'>



Disclaimer: I haven't tried ths myself. But it strikes me to facilitate it must handiwork, collapse the way we deal with other meta-tags what time compulsory. However "should" is an "interesting" word.   Maybe it won't handiwork, if the tags are not in the same <div> as the capture.

2) Put the explanation of the capture into the blog-post - truly handiwork it into the text effortlessly.

3) Use a title statement to collapse the capture a quantity of linger text LINK (I conjecture this factory representing videos - haven't tried it) or alt-text.

For both of the after everything else two, remember to facilitate indexing of text on your blog will link to your blog-post, not to the capture, so it may well not comprehend the "videos are cool" dynamic to facilitate seems to influence search results.   But they are both unproblematic things to look after.

4) Load your capture to Youtube (or Vimeo or wherever), and plunk the content explanation into the fields at hand, along with relatives to your blog, of avenue.

This will own the vids-are-cool effect, but the search traffic will make for to the host locate, and may well not still comprehend to your blog -  to comprehend several search-traffic benefit, you need to to own respectable relatives to your blog in their the video-site in sequence, or respectable promotion of it in the capture itself.

5) Or maybe the Video Sitemaps or mRSS feeds loom to facilitate Google's article LINK furthermore mentioned handiwork well-enough representing Blogger-users.    (Sorry, I own rejection stage to investigate either of these - am acute to comprehend explanation from everybody knows more around them though.)

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