Sunday, October 20, 2013

Custom Search Engine improvements

Google allow announced version 2 of the "custom search element" - this is the "thing" so as to lets you deposit a custom-search tool in your blog (and one other website).

Important skin texture are:

  •     Search UI is rendered based on the settings stored on the Google CSE servers ... One configuration changes you turn into in the CSE control panel ...[are shown]  on your net pages the after that instant they reload. ...
  •     All element code is loaded asynchronously in support of cut-rate summon load time.
  •     Client-side customization allows you to overwrite international CSE settings on a per-page basis ...

Faster load instant is very meet - I've been noticing so as to custom search gadgets take a long instant to load, qualified to other things on my blogs.
And the at the outset highlight seems very handy - it capital not having to copy-and-paste new-fangled CSE code when you amend a CSE using the control panel. But this has a worth: The existing code (in the superlative option in support of Bloggers) had two parts - single in support of anywhere the seach box goes, and single in support of anywhere the search results set out. Modish the new-fangled code, nearby are still these two parts, but both single has two sections: Single section so as to needs to be added to the heading and single to the place (usually a widget in support of Bloggers). That capital:

  •     Four separate pieces of code to install
  •     Installing capital expurgation the stencil as well as count a doohickey
  •     If you amend your stencil, you need to remember to re-install the CSE code too.

That thought, I'm not certain if the at the outset code sections need to set out into the heading, or whether they possibly will beside the other parts, perhaps with a loss of rapidity - one advice is meet.

Lastly, Google says so as to the existing CSE code will carry on to be supported in support of at the moment (although there's nix way to progress it from them one more, they are at the moment simply supplying the updated code) - but so as to this won't keep up forever.   So

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