Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Removing the attribution gadget from mobile template blogs

This article is about removing the "Powered by Blogger" statement from the bottom of blogs that have a mobile template.

Blogger and attribution gadgets. 

Picture of a cellphone with "Powered by Blogger" taking up screen space
Previously I've described the attribution doohickey so as to Blogger has added to blogs with designer templates, and various ways of removing it.
This was a real game of cat-and-mouse:   I found a way to delete the doohickey, Blogger's engineers deposit in code to add it back in again if you distant it using so as to method.  But eventually I found a little method so as to haven't stopped working - or maybe Google saying the logic in my arguments and gave up difficult.

(For the disc, I am evidence for the doohickey on on the whole of my blogs, but really didn't care for it on a single noteworthy blog so as to is really powered by Google custom Maps:  Blogger is precisely a kind wrapper around the custom maps so as to its shows.)

Now a person who reads has asked almost getting clear of the attribution from a blog so as to use a mobile stencil. This is comfortable provided you take the risks of expurgation your stencil.

How to remove the attribution from a mobile template:

Edit your template in the usual way - you don't need to expand the widget templates.

Use the browser search tool to find this statement:
<B: widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='yes' title='' type='Attribution'/>
The number after the word "attribution" may be different, if you've tried several other ways to remove the "powered by Blogger" statement.   This doesn't matter - just make sure the same number is used in the original statement and the replacement one.

Replace it with this statement
<B: widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='no' title='' type='Attribution'/>

Save your template .

And that should be "job done".

It is a fine notion to check could you repeat that? Your blog looks like on a mobile device.    If you attain so as to this line of attack  doesn't product in support of your blog, please leave a comment contain your blog's URL - in holder nearby are a little conditions so as to I've missed.

Note:   Test so far turns into me mechanism so as to this setting is kept back even if you amend which mobile stencil your blog uses, and even if you switch inedible the mobile stencil and afterward switch it inedible again soon.

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